Thursday, December 09, 2010

It's Niall's birthday!

Can you believe he's 6 years old today? He was born at 1 minute after midnight. I'll never forget my midwife shouting, "Holy Cow!" when he came barrelling into this world. We knew he would be big, but we weren't expecting a 9lb baby! I had no idea my baby was capable of carrying such a huge guy, and he was born so quickly. He was in a rush then, and he hasn't stopped yet.
Niall was such a big baby. People would stop us when we were out to tell me how big my baby was. Like I didn't know... I was carrying him. I knew!
He's tested my patience more than anyone else on this earth, which has made me a better person than I was before. And we've had plenty of laughs along the way.
And now he's six. Can you believe it? He's learning to read and write. He loves math and is already learning some simple multiplication. He's well liked at school, and is an all around great boy.
I'll be taking more pictures tonight once he's home from school. He's been begging for a powerwheels for his birthday, and I scored one on Craigslist way back in September. It's been hidden at the university since then, and I finally get to give it to him this afternoon. I can't wait!


Britta said...

He's still adorable! I want to SMOOOSH his little face!! :)

Tell him I said happy birthday!

Drea said...

I can NOT believe he's 6! that's just crazy! LOVE the photos! what a sweet heart.

Jenn said...

He was such a big baby because he's got such a big heart!

Happy Birthday, Niall.

Grumpy said...

Love the photos! He seems like such sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mili it's Valerie! I was going through my emails and saw your blog address on one of them. These are some great pictures of Niall! He is doing so awesome! I hope you all are enjoying the holiday break! take care!