Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I saw it on Pinterest!

Oh Pinterest, my new addiction. It's like this huge basket of crafty inspiration and really cool ideas. If one of my friends sees something neat and they pin it, I can see it. If I pin something, they can see it. Searchable for ideas, pictures for everything, way better than google searches when it comes to craft inspiration.
I mean, I never in a million years would google for a new way to hang stockings. I'd do the same thing I always do and use a bunch of tiny nails. But one of my friends came across a great idea, and when she pinned it she shared it with all of us so I saw it. LOVELY!
The idea - so simple it's genius:  use a curtain rod to hang stockings.
Curtain rod - less than $7 at Wallyworld. Add red duct tape for that holiday flair.

1 comment:

Grumpy said...

Love it.